SoM May 2024

Amethyst This month’s topic from HIW – Your body has the answer. WOW. Well yes, your body does have the answer(s). However and, we often don’t know the question! We don’t really know what is wrong, how to tune in to ourselves to pinpoint an issue. What we...

Heart Chakra

The fourth of the primary Chakras in the Vedic tradition is the Heart, known in Sanskrit as Anahata: meaning “unstruck,” “unhurt,” or “unbeaten.” Associated with air, governs love, compassion and acceptance. The heart chakra is the...

Solar Plexus Chakra

The third primary Chakra in the Vedic tradition is the Solar Plexus, known in Sanskrit as Manipura: This can be translated as “city of jewels” – “resplendent gem” – “lustrous gem”. What I know it translates to is...

Earth Day – April 22nd

Earth Day 2021 I felt lead this year to do something for Earth Day and let me start by saying I did not know it was going to be a Tree of Life for Earth Day before I was almost finished with the piece. This is another one of those ideas that arrived in my mind (3rd...

Birthstones – more than just one!

Did you know that wearing your birthstone can work to ground & amplify your celestial energies! Great – but do you know your real birthstone? The one that truly resonates with you? Hey, did you even know you could have more than one? Many people think this...

Stone of the Month – Oct 2020

  “Dealing with Anger” Anger, like all emotions, is complex.  Does one “deal” with it, “sit” with it, allow it to pass?  Yes, all of the above. Like all emotions Anger will pass, however, it’s effects on your psyche and...