
Lina’s Collection

Beads of Light

Bead art

Janet Edkins- Master Bead Artist & Gaia's Jeweler

Hi, I’m Janet

I came to jewelry the long way – through many other mediums, tangents and passions.

From an early age I was fascinated with my paternal grandmother’s beads – as a young woman she did glorious beaded piece work, ruining her eyes for a pittance, but she kept her precious scraps of beads, bugles & sequins, in fragile twists of tissue paper, in a small basket. I don’t know why the bug didn’t get me then, it took another 40 years.

My journey through life and finally to East Tennessee shapes my work. I am grateful for light and beauty in my life, and for many artistic friends to challenge and teach me as I continue to expand my craft.

I’m grateful for coming home to the idea of myself as Gaia’s Jeweler with divine access to her healing crystals and stones. They bring grace, joy and assistance freely and with love for humanity, our continued expansion, and growth. I’ve had the great good fortune to use them as part of my own self-healing journey and now the opportunity to serve others by bringing their beauty and resonance to other seekers of their attributes.

As a Reiki Master I bring the divine energy of the universe into my practice, cleansing, blessing, and releasing all my pieces, and channeling the Light of Shamballa for the best and highest good of all my clients.

Jana Kadovitz

“To behold one of Janet’s pieces is the equivalent of ‘coming home to oneself’.
With her intuition and exquisite vision, each piece of jewelry she creates is one of Beauty, Style and Grace, it is an art form as no other. Each piece custom made, waiting for the one person who is ‘searching for home’.”

Deb Schmitz

“Janet’s so creative and talented. Her exquisite designs are as unique as the healing crystals in each beautiful creation. Try on a piece, you’ll know if it’s meant for you! I own several, all have helped me deal with grief, protection, joy and grounding.”

Sally Gallot-Reeves

“I love Janet’s work. Her artistic abilities create beauty and symmetry, well balanced and artful. The energy coming through is very uplifting! I own several pieces and have a subscription too.”

Carolyn A. Jones

The Energy Architect
Holistic Wellness Revolution

“Janet’s creations are like no other I’ve experienced. Every piece is a custom design, each infused with Reiki energy, and filled with love. Depending on which one I wear, and I have many, I feel loved, empowered, and protected… sometimes all three. If you are looking for a unique piece of art to wear, I highly recommend Beads of Light.”

SoM July 2024

SoM July 2024

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Gibbsite Pendant

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I plan on musing about stones & crystals, their healing properties & my journey.

There may be some bead talk, show info, & ooh coupon codes :)

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