For now, wait…from The Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck #36 Middle World
Hello dear friends.
Once again I was drawn to the Mystical Shaman deck. I feel so connected and so in need of the grounding these ancient wisdoms offer. I’m writing early cos frankly the energies and astrology potentials are O F F T H E C H A R T S ! The Aquarius Full Moon is August 19th AND there are so many alignments that go along with this. People are going to be running around like headless chickens. I just want to say be calm, be in your center, and for now, wait. OMG the card was such a perfect fit for my understanding of the energies that are in motion.
The Middle World card offers us insight. “The Middle World is our every day realm, the day-to-day playground of the living. The present moment.” Even if ‘playground’ as a word seems off right now the card is about letting us know that we create our future in the now as much as it has been created by past events. “When things are right in the Middle World heaven and earth support everything, including us. When they are no right heaven and earth must be brought into order as well.”
There’s a weird feeling for me in this if we are in the playground of living how are we supposed to bring heaven and earth into order if things are not right? Who decided what’s right and not? This all feels too big for little old me. My impression is that events over the next few days, and the next few years, are emerging to bring us into order. However, that does not mean it will be comfortable or pretty, nor will it last forever. But wait…I drew the card up-side-down, that means there is medicine guidance to be considered.
“Do not try to correct in the earth what needs to be corrected in the heavens. The resources to support the desired changes or our endeavours are not readily available to us yet. It’s important to ask for help from the invisible realms, from helpers in the upper world.”
For now, wait.
I’ve been listening to the work of several astrologers, as you know I follow more than one, and they are all talking about the magnitude and uniqueness of planetary movements, potentials, and alignments, now and for the coming couple of years. Yes, sorry, the energies are not going to abate any time soon. I’ve listed a few YouTube links below as you feel lead.
Personally I’m just going to keep my head down and try to stay in awareness of my own triggers. Remember, the only person or situation over which we have control is ourselves.This is a necessary re-set and this too shall pass.
Astrological info on YouTube:
(Steve Judd, great info, bit of a rant, Steve Judd & Sue Brane, gentler conversation,
Molly McCord, Pam Gregory)
A crystal to assist: Danburite – Highly spiritual stone carrying a very fine vibration & working on heart energy. Activates both intellect & higher consciousness, linking to the angelic realms. Links us to serenity, eternal wisdom, & allows access to inner guidance. Facilitates deep change & leaving the past behind. Acts as karmic cleanser, helps starting the soul off in a new direction. Promotes ease, can change recalcitrant attitudes, brings patience & peace of mind.
A few of my previous musing to add weight to the waiting:
(Patience & Waiting, Acceptance, Belief & Trust, New Chapters & Embracing Change)
With love and blessings till next time. J