SoM Oct 2024

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.


This month’s topic from HIW – Harvesting Your Energetic Crops.

My friends who grow their own food crops are always so delighted when they start to harvest the rewards for all the hard work in the previous months. You should see the joy on my husband’s face when he’s picking the abundance of figs from our tree. đź’–

I’m taking my lead more directly from the HIW Blog this month using their paragraph headers which I think are so eloquent. This is the perfect time of year to take stock of what we’ve nurtured within ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously.

Reflect on Your Journey:
How often do we take the time to pat ourselves on the back for the progress and growth we’ve made? In fact, do we even bother to note our progress so we can look back? This is a great exercise to do. I’m reminded also to date my journal entries, that would make life so much easier. Ha Ha.

Take some time to reflect on the past year. Did you set goals or intentions for yourself or your business? Were there challenges, how did you do? How many came to fruition? Can you see the growth, insights, and ah-ha moments? I’m assuming you journal like me but if not there are many other ways to document your progress.

I think it’s important to note the failures. Not to be negative, but to understand the process, what went wrong, so we can avoid the same behaviors in future. Think it was Edison who said “he didn’t fail, he just found a 1,000 ways to not make a light bulb!” Not everything we intend materializes. One of my biggest problems is holding too tightly and trying to control the outcome. Figuring this out has been my path to growth, however slowly, however many times I’ve planted the same intention and had to pull it as a weed. To quote Carolyn: “Set the intention then let it go. The Universe knows better than you what you need.”

Create a Harvest Ritual:
I love this idea: “Gather Symbols of Your Harvest: Collect objects that represent your growth—photos, mementos, or natural items like leaves or stones (always dear to my heart). Arrange these objects in a way that feels meaningful to you, creating an altar or sacred space, perhaps with a candle.” Once you’ve done this, “Speak Your Gratitude…”

Prepare for the Next Cycle:
For farmers and gardeners autumn is about gathering, assessing, and prepping for the next cycle so you are ready to rest in winter with your plans (intentions and tools) already in place. Consider what needs to change energetically for you. What new rows are you ready to plant in 2025? What work can you do in advance? Start a journalling practice maybe? Take your meditation to the next level? How can you be open to new possibilities?

Well the answer to that last one obviously needs to be…

Chrysoprase – Imparts a sense of being part of the divine whole. Promotes hope & gives personal insight. Calming & non-egotistical, creating openness to new situations. Assists looking at egotistical motives in the past & their developmental effects. Aligns your ideals with your behavior. Overcomes impulsive or compulsive thoughts & actions. Turns attention to positive events. Opposes judgmentalism, stimulating acceptance of oneself & others. Useful for forgiveness & compassion.

Here are a few more aids for these tumultuous times of change, alchemy, & transmutation:

Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl – Crystal of contrast. Rebuilds self-respect & supports rebirth of inner & outer self. Expands creativity, expedites change & enhances manifestation.
Celestite – Imparts gentle strength & inner peace despite urging greater openness to new experiences. Teacher of trust in the infinite wisdom of the divine. Calming, can cool fiery emotions.
Danburite – Facilitates deep change & for leaving the past behind. Can start the soul off in new direction. Promotes ease & changes recalcitrant attitudes.
Hiddenite (Green Kunzite) – Gently releases feelings of failure, helps those who put on a “brave face” to accept comfort & support from others & universe. Supports change & new beginnings.
Moonstone – Stone of New Beginnings. Reminds us with its moon connection that everything is a cycle of change. Calms emotions, makes conscious the unconscious, promotes intuition & empathy.
Fire Opal – Enhancer of personal power. Awakens inner fire & protects from danger. Facilitates change & progress, supports during emotional turmoil. Wonderful stone for letting go of the past.
Peridot – Releases negative patterns & old vibrations so new frequencies can be accessed.
Rutile Quartz – Helps us reach the root of problems & facilitates transitions or changes of direction. Soothes dark moods, relieves fears, phobias, & anxiety. Promotes forgiveness on all levels.
Tiger Iron – Combination stone, Jasper, Hematite & Tiger Eye. Promotes vitality and passing through change. Helpful for anyone feeling exhausted especially from mental burn-out or family stress.

A final thought: This time of year always brings up thoughts of Gratitude & Thankfulness, I invite you to check out a couple of other blog posts.

With love and blessings till next time. J 🙏

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4920 Homberg Drive,
Knoxville, TN 37919
Wed – Sat: 11am – 3pm