Card pull for June 24

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Jun 19, 2024 | Oracle Cards


Open up to Change…with Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card – New Moon In Aquarius

Hello dear friends.
I’m sending out my missive a day early because today is auspicious – the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) 4:50 pm EDT June 20th. Followed closely by the Strawberry Full Mon, tomorrow June 21st at 9:07 pm EDT! Because of all this activity between the Sun & Moon I was drawn to my newest deck of oracle cards, a recent gift, Moonology Manifestation, by Yasmin Boland.

These cards are a little more complex than some I have so I’ll guide you to Yasmin’s website if you want to know more but basically, they encompass the 29 day lunar cycle and its 4 main Moon quadrants, the 7 main chakras, the 4 elements, and planetary days and hours (these are about prime days and times for manifestation). ***

Yes, it’s a lot! 😡 However, today’s card also a perfect message! I know I keep repeating myself however, these ARE powerful times with turbulent and amazing energies swirling around us and the collective.

As you all know by now, I follow several astrologers* who all have their own take on things but I find their message generally congruent with each other. Right now, they are all talking about CHANGE. And we don’t mean the shrapnel you have in your jar of pennies or your coin purse. Big change is afoot. Big changes are coming. Big changes are necessary. This is not a scary message nor a message of doom. Remember, whatever in the world is not changing is stagnating.

I’ll get off my soap box now and give you the info from today’s card:

“Big changes are forecast but we need to let things unfold – don’t try to push the river or over-steer the boat. A rational, even slightly aloof, assessment of your current circumstances is called for, then allowance made for things to develop. Try to view your situation from a slightly different angle, compassionately with dispassion, to stay cool under any pressure.”

“Be yourself, be independent, this doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. A group of people, rather than just one, may be the ones who can help your manifestation. Call in the energy of Uranus too, the planetary guide of Aquarius is all about independence and revolution.”

Your manifestation affirmation:
“There is only one me, it’s safe to be me, and I love me!”


Labradorite – “Bringer of Light & Stone of Transformation.” Highly mystical & protective. Strengthens faith & trust in self & the universe. Useful companion through change imparting strength & perseverance. Stimulates intuition a& the art of ‘right timing.’ Raises consciousness, connects with universal energies, & grounds spiritual energies. Banishes fears & insecurities, & debris from disappointments, including past lives. Deflects unwanted energies & prevents energy leakage. Removes other people’s projections. Brings messages from the unconscious & facilitates understanding.


Links should you wish to follow the rabbit hole with me:

* Astrological info
from Molly McCord: 12 Moon Signs In Astrology – All Signs – Natal Astrology Chart
& Capricorn Full Moon – Solstice Priorities Come To Light, Trusting The Exhale

from Pam Gregory: Cancer Solstice June 20th 2024 & Full Moon in Capricorn June 21/22nd 2024

Live Science info on the Solstices

*** More information on Planetary Hours & Days   &   Planetary hours calculator

With love and blessings till next time. J

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