Howlite Worry Stone

Stone of the Month – Oct 2020

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

“Dealing with Anger”

Anger, like all emotions, is complex.  Does one “deal” with it, “sit” with it, allow it to pass?  Yes, all of the above. Like all emotions Anger will pass, however, it’s effects on your psyche and hormones, to mention just two, whilst its ongoing, has the potential to be severe. Nobody makes anybody do anything. Action out of anger or any other emotion is all about personal choice even so nothing about “dealing” with such a strong emotion is easy. 

A number of very beautiful and powerful stones are perfect for assisting you when facing anger, regardless of source and/or direction:

Blue Lace Agate | Cooling, calming, peace of mind – neutralizes anger.
Howlite | Teaches patience & eliminates rage & uncontrolled anger! (main image)
Peridot | Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite & anger, and reduces stress.
Amethyst | My “go to” stone for everything – Calming, aids in controlling your faculties.

Other stones to add to your armament in dealing with this powerful and very human emotion:
Easing – Apatite, Apophyllite, Aragonite, Aventurine, Calcite, Magnetite
Arresting – Citrine, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Muscovite, Red Garnet
Releasing – Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Red Jade, Rhodonite, Blue-Green Smithsonite

Ones to use with caution – Lapis & Rhodonite they do their releasing so you can, heal, transmute, & express!

Some shameless self promotion here – I love earrings. They are so easy to wear, and to make. Wearing them utilizes their power inside your auric field. If you see some you like, call me – 865 966 3271.
Blue Lace & Labradorite, Blue Lace, Howlite & Labradorite, Peridot, Amethyst Trillions & Cubes


Blue Aragonite, Grey Aragonite, Mangano Calcite, raw White Calcite, Citrine Double Points, Howlite
Here are some of my ‘stash’ ready at your custom command: Clockwise from top; Blue Aragonite, Grey Aragonite, Mangano Calcite, raw White Calcite, Citrine Double Points, Howlite.

With love & blessings.      J

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I buy most of my beads and a good many of my cabs & stone beads @White Fox Beads - Homberg, Knoxville, TN
White Fox Beads

4920 Homberg Drive,
Knoxville, TN 37919
Wed – Sat: 11am – 3pm