Root Chakra

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Oct 25, 2020 | Balance, Chakras

Also known as Base or First Chara and in Sanskrit Muladhara: Mula meaning ‘root’ & Adhara ‘base’ or ‘support’.

It is the first of the seven primary chakras and for many teachers the most important. It represents stability in our life, is responsible for our sense of security in this earthly realm. Think of it as the foundations to your house! I’m sure you all understand that reference. If your Root Chakra is balanced you will feel secure and grounded.

This chakra is located in the pelvic area, base of the spine, perineum. If your Base Chakra is trying to get your attention you may experience health issues in your lower back or legs & feet, feeling un-grounded, and possible bladder, bowel, or prostate issues. Nightmares, general fears and worry, anger, maybe even anxiety may also be physical indicators. Eating disorders can also suggest Root imbalance.

There are any number of ways to work toward achieving balance, and Chakra Alignment, the simplest works for me:- Meditation. Not necessarily easy but certainly requires nothing other than some time to yourself, even if that is only 5 or 10 mins a day to begin. From Carolyn A Jones, Holistic Institute of Wellness: “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, visualize and connect with the center of your being. Say to yourself “There is a place within me where there is perfect peace.”

Some people prefer to sit quietly with their thoughts and just watch them go by. I like guided meditations. There are many places to find them free if that works for you. Insight Timer, Steve Nobel, Tim Whild, Sandra Walters are just the first few that come to mind as I write.

There are many other modalities to explore, like toning sounds and Yoga. And of course there are always colors and, my particular favourite, stones & crystals. The Root Chakra color is red and Mother Gaia’s gifts to aid Root balancing are: Red Beryl (Bixbite), Red Calcite, Raspberry Garnet (Rhodolite), Ruby Aura Quartz, Rhodochrosite and, Ta Da!

Getting & keeping the root chakra in balance will help create a firm foundation for working on your other chakras.

With love & blessings. J

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Wed – Sat: 11am – 3pm