Inside your auric field

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Jul 24, 2020 | Balance, Healing Stones

Your “Aura” is a field of energy that surrounds your body. I’m a believer not an authority here so I will quote and reference others below if you want to research. If you are a lightworker and/or already in a place of knowing…read on.

Crystals, stones, & shells, gifts from Mother Earth, each carry their own energies that help support our energy. Many are similar and also vastly varied. Jasper, Agate & Quartz are all very common and come in many types, colors & geometric forms.

Quartz is the most, common mineral (crystal) on Earth and carries THE most powerful of healing energies. Comes in many shapes & sizes & many colors; rainbow, clear, white, smoky, golden, blue & rose to name just a few. Also comes with additional power from inclusions like Tourmaline & Rutile. Worn on the body Quartz “cleanses, protects, & increases the auric field, sealing any holes.”

Tourmalinated Quartz (awaiting your personal wrap)!

Jaspers all carry the same basic energy and are generally known as the “supreme nurturer” for the self and a reminder to help each other. Dragon’s Blood Japer: “helps to lift emotions, bringing vitality & joy. Mentally/Psychologically, is a stone of personal power. Provides strength, courage, & purpose to help face difficulties & to heal repressed emotional issues.” * Beware if you are not ready to deal with repressed emotional issues 🙂

I’m not being flippant, honestly. These beautiful items are truly powerful and do so much more than just the 1 or 2 main things I’m quoting here. I carry my books with me and always encourage my clients to read further. If you are drawn to a stone you most likely need it, you just may not “know” you need it.

Shells I’ve talked about elsewhere.

Small Sample of More Info:
Carolyn A Jones, Holistic Institute of Wellness has a great book on the basics of your energy.
Cyndi Dale, very informative piece – “Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields
Dorothy Rowe, “Energy Field Surrounding the Chakras and Body
3HO – “What is the Auric Field?

Love & Blessings till next time. J

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