SoM June 2024

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW – Awakening Your Inner Light – The Power of Mindfulness Meditation. As you all know, if you read this blog, I’m a proponent of meditation. Well, it seems I’m to be writing about it once again. Guess I’m...

Stone of the Month – September 2022

Charoite This month’s topic from HIW – Expanding Your Cosmic Awareness. I can’t remember when I was last so excited about a stone I found to go with the suggested topic from HIW!! Expanding your own cosmic awareness (or even just the everyday kind)...

Stone of the Month – May 2022

Sugilite An interesting question has been posed as this month’s topic from HIW – Do You Need to Shift Your Purpose? This is a good question for me – do I need to shift? Do I need to re-evaluate or re-think? Do I really KNOW my purpose? I have been told, multiple...

Stone of the Month – April 2022

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW is Connect to you Spirit Guides. Do you have a set of “guides” that you are aware of. I’m sure those of you reading this definitely do so, but just in case. We all have a team of entities and energies willing...

Stone of the Month – February 2022

Agates This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is . What is Spiritual Awakening? I believe I’ve had a spiritual awakening, it started a number of years ago. However, the phrase “Spiritual Awaking” indicates to me it...

Stone of the Month – May 2021

Stone of the Month for May – Quartz Quartz can aid with Spiritual Wellness – this month’s topic, part of a series called “Healing from the Outside In” from the Holistic Institute of Wellness. Working on Spiritual Wellness encompasses...