Amethyst This month’s topic from HIW – Your body has the answer. WOW. Well yes, your body does have the answer(s). However and, we often don’t know the question! We don’t really know what is wrong, how to tune in to ourselves to pinpoint an issue. What we...
Unlock Wisdom, Embrace Guidance…with The Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck #36 Middle World Hello dear friends. WELL, WELL, WELL! I decided to use the Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck today because I wanted to tap into the energies of Mother Gaia. I asked the...
Iron Pyrite This month’s topic from HIW – How to Protect Your Energy and Why. The last part of this months’ topic from HIW was a bit of a “no brainer” for me but I realize maybe not for everyone! Your energy is yours, yes you can let it...
Mangano (Pink) Calcite This month’s topic from HIW – You Matter, Firmly Establishing Self-Worth. Does that statement affect you? It does me. Self-worth has been, and continues to be, a journey. An odyssey of shedding layers of old thought habits, taking...
Are you looking for extra layers of protection? Whether on a physical level or for etheric smog like EMF, read on. I’ve been nudged by my guides to write on the subject of “protection.” And, although I trust that “All Shall Be Well,”...
Stone of the Month for September – Tourmaline This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is Physical Wellness. There were an enormous number of categories that came to mind and, at first glance, my full list of potential crystals...
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Rules for hand stitched jewelry:
1. Last thing you put on.
2. First thing you take off.
3. Check for wear/threads.
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