SoM June 2024

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW – Awakening Your Inner Light – The Power of Mindfulness Meditation. As you all know, if you read this blog, I’m a proponent of meditation. Well, it seems I’m to be writing about it once again. Guess I’m...

Stone of the Month – July 2022

Garnet This month’s topic from HIW – Mid-Year Energy Tune-Up. Do you need one? I know I probably do. It’s been a doozy of a year so far energetically speaking. Gosh between, solar flares, Lunar & Solar Eclipses, date portals, planetary...

Heart Chakra

The fourth of the primary Chakras in the Vedic tradition is the Heart, known in Sanskrit as Anahata: meaning “unstruck,” “unhurt,” or “unbeaten.” Associated with air, governs love, compassion and acceptance. The heart chakra is the...

Loving Kindness

The subject of Kindness has come into my awareness multiple times recently. It leads/nudges me to want to write about it. You’ve all seen the endless memes on Facebook: Be kind Always be kind Be kind, you don’t know what others are going through It costs...

Stone of the Month – October 2021

Stone of the Month for October – Black Obsidian This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is Modern Shamanism. At first glance this may not seem relevant to a lot of my readers but hear me out if you will. I believe there are titanic, I...

Stone of the Month – September 2021

Stone of the Month for September – Tourmaline This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is Physical Wellness. There were an enormous number of categories that came to mind and, at first glance, my full list of potential crystals...