Loving Kindness

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Oct 15, 2021 | Balance

The subject of Kindness has come into my awareness multiple times recently. It leads/nudges me to want to write about it.

You’ve all seen the endless memes on Facebook:
Be kind
Always be kind
Be kind, you don’t know what others are going through
It costs nothing to be kind

That last one got to me. I think there are lots of people for whom it does have a cost. It has an emotional cost for them, when they are struggling with an “empty cup.” It has an awareness cost, when they are consumed with worries & fears. It has a “1 more damn thing” cost, when they are overwhelmed with “things to do.”

We live in a society that says we should care about, and care for, everyone. We see & hear news daily that tells us how horrible things are for millions across the globe and that we should care about all of it. For some this might be true, but I suspect most of us cannot. For some we cannot even find care or kindness for those closest, never mind some stranger who may cross our path, or worse yet, get in our way!

I think being kind starts with the self and it seems to me many humans have lost touch with that idea. Even so far as to believe it is selfish, bad, and or possibly wrong to care for themselves; first. Not second, or last, or sometimes – FIRST! Every time you get on a plane the safety drill says to put your own mask on first before helping someone else. Even your children. How many of us even bother to listen any more?

Just 5 mins of quiet time daily, for you to gather your thoughts, breath in some fresh air maybe, put your feet in the grass if you can, take in the rising sun. Filling your own emotional cup with self kindness is a necessary thing, not 1 more damn thing.

How about carrying a piece of loving kindness in your pocket (or in your bra)? Better yet, wear it as a bracelet or necklace. Let the loving energy, freely given by the gifts of Gaia, ooze into your auric field and help fill your kindness cup.

There’s quite a list of stones that can be of service. Those readily available and affordable are:
Aventurine, (green, blue, peach, red, brown) “Promotes compassion and empathy…”
Garnet, specifically orangy red Almandine which is the most common. “Supportive of taking time for yourself, bringing deep love…”
Rose Quartz “Stone of unconditional love & peace. THE most important crystal for the heart.”
Tourmaline (many colors but particularly Green & Pink) “Promotes compassion, tenderness, patience..confirms it’s necessary to love yourself first…”

Two stones where Judy Hall specifically cites Kindness:
Green Spinel “Stimulates love, compassion & kindness – opens and aligns the heart.”
Smithsonite “A stone of tranquility, charm & kindness”

Give it a shot – be kind to yourself and see what happens.

Love & Blessings till next time. J

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4920 Homberg Drive,
Knoxville, TN 37919
Wed – Sat: 11am – 3pm