SoM July 2024

Moonstone This month’s topic from HIW – Nourishing Your Light Body – Holistic Nutrition for Starseeds. This month’s topic from HIW flows seamlessly from last month’s post (Awakening Your Inner Light), where I chose to feel into the...

SoM April 2024

Clear Quartz This month’s topic from HIW – The Power of Sound Healing and Reiki Love this month’s topic. Sound Healing and Reiki are all about energy, frequency, and vibration. And guess what, so are the inviting gems gifted to us from Mother Gaia....

Stone of the Month – April 2023

Smoky Quartz This month’s topic from HIW – Vibrational Energy 101 (Third Eye) In the Reiki and general esoteric communities, we talk a lot about “energy.” If you are already interested spiritually, already familiar, or working in these fields, that term is...

Stone of the Month – October 2022

Aventurine This month’s topic from HIW – Making a Sacred Space for Creativity. Oh my, this topic resonates on so many levels for me. My own sacred space; I’m grateful I have that already. So how can you make sacred space for creativity? And,...

Stone of the Month – July 2022

Garnet This month’s topic from HIW – Mid-Year Energy Tune-Up. Do you need one? I know I probably do. It’s been a doozy of a year so far energetically speaking. Gosh between, solar flares, Lunar & Solar Eclipses, date portals, planetary...

Heart Chakra

The fourth of the primary Chakras in the Vedic tradition is the Heart, known in Sanskrit as Anahata: meaning “unstruck,” “unhurt,” or “unbeaten.” Associated with air, governs love, compassion and acceptance. The heart chakra is the...