Lina's Collection Crystal Quartz Worry pendant

SoM April 2024

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Clear Quartz

This month’s topic from HIW – The Power of Sound Healing and Reiki

Love this month’s topic. Sound Healing and Reiki are all about energy, frequency, and vibration. And guess what, so are the inviting gems gifted to us from Mother Gaia.

Using frequency & vibration, and the flow of energy, to release blockages and dis-ease are the foundations of these profound healing modalities. Sound healing often includes the use of crystal quartz ‘singing’ bowls, with their powerful and penetrating vibrations. Reiki practitioners all have crystals in their spaces (at least all the ones I know!) to assist with energy flow, clearing, grounding, and amplification. Check out previous blog posts if you want to know more about any of those specific qualities.

All of Gaia’s gifts, be they crystals, sea shells, fossils, gemstones, or simple rocks, carry their own frequency, energy and healing properties, and all offer them freely to us for our best and highest good. With just a little research and or intuition, we can ask for and harness their assistance.

Today I’ve chosen Clear Quartz. Read on the understand why:

Quartz – THE most powerful healing & energy amplifier on the planet! Known as THE master healer. It has a unique form; helical spiral crystalline. It absorbs, stores, releases, & regulates energy, & is excellent for unblocking it. Holding a quartz crystal in your hand can double your biomagnetic field. Quartz works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the individual, taking their energy to the most perfect state for them. Quartz works on the spiritual, physical, & mental bodies as needed and acts as a deep soul cleanser.


Quartz is readily accessible on Earth, and probably the most abundant of crystals available. According to Geology Science Quartz forms about 12% of Earth’s crust. Crystal formation differs according to the speed of the growth process and these shapes have deep significance. The subject of Quartz, in all its configurations and colors is too vast for this domain. Mr Google can provide mega swaths of data for your delectation and consumption. My trusted sources are Judy Hall, Robert Simmons, and Healing

Power, energy, frequency, and vibration are a natural, integral part of all Gaia’s products. These are a few of my top picks:
Apophyllite – Efficient energy conductor, its presence in a room enhances energies as it is a powerful vibrational transmitter.
Chalcedony – Absorbs negative energy & dissipates it to prevent onward transmission. Brings mind, body, emotions, & spirit into harmony.
Carnet – Powerfully energizing & regenerating stone. Revitalizes, purifies, & balances energy. (Comes in numerous forms & colors depending on mineral combination, each carries extra properties.)
Jaspers – Known as the “Supreme Nurturers.” Absorbs negative energies, cleanses & aligns chakras, provides protection & grounding. (As with Garnet, Jaspers are numerous & different in color & properties.)
Mangano (Pink) Calcite – Stone of peace & well-being. Enhances energy flow from Crown to Heart chakra. Help healers & counselors forge strong, energetic bonds with patients, allowing healing vibrations to travel to the right location for the client. Very calming when present during energy work.
Petalite – Stone for the New Age. High, pure, protective vibration. Carried on the body it constantly energizes & activates all energy centers, enhances & energizes environment in which it finds itself.
Ruby – Excellent energy stone, imparting vigor for life. Encourage removal of anything negative from your path.

Fun fact:
It’s commonly known that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, depending on how its being measured or observed. It’s also a frequency-according to Wikipedia, 750-420 terahertz. I’ve said many times that everything in the universe is energy, no matter how each of us chooses to perceive it; wave or particle, physical, emotional, or spiritual.

One of my fav things – watch this amazing video: – Pendulum Waves from Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

Final thoughts: Clear Quartz is called other names: Rock Crystal and Crystal Quartz are probably the 2 most common. Don’t confuse clear quartz with Rainbow Quartz or Fire & Ice. Always buy from a trusted source.

With love and blessings till next time. J

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