Blue Lace Agate This month’s topic from HIW – Sound Healing and How it Works. (Throat Chakra) Interesting topic this month – prompted me to do some research – fascinating. Crystal healing has been around as a concept since time immemorial, our ancients and...
Smoky Quartz This month’s topic from HIW – Vibrational Energy 101 (Third Eye) In the Reiki and general esoteric communities, we talk a lot about “energy.” If you are already interested spiritually, already familiar, or working in these fields, that term is...
Tiger’s Eye This month’s topic from HIW – Shifting Your Energy to Create Your Future / Manifesting. I’ve talked before about everything being energy. How does that connect with you? Maybe that’s not easy for you to believe/conceive. How...
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Rules for hand stitched jewelry:
1. Last thing you put on.
2. First thing you take off.
3. Check for wear/threads.
-- Call me if you find any,
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