SoM July 2024

Moonstone This month’s topic from HIW – Nourishing Your Light Body – Holistic Nutrition for Starseeds. This month’s topic from HIW flows seamlessly from last month’s post (Awakening Your Inner Light), where I chose to feel into the...

Stone of the Month – September 2023

Sunstone This month’s topic from HIW – Recognizing Your Unique Needs (Solar Plexus) The first thing that popped into my head from this months’ topic was self-care, self-love, & ‘you matter.’ All topics covered before however, because...

Stone of the Month – January 2023

Topaz This month’s topic from HIW – Making Time for Spiritual Care. I had to think seriously about this month’s topic from my friends over at HIW. It’s not about spiritual care practices, the tools, and programs. It’s about actually...

Stone of the Month – December 2022

Angelite This month’s topic from HIW – 3 Ways to Practice Being Present. “Being Present.” What that means to me is: Listening, to myself & others. Awareness of feelings and physical circumstances. Grounded, feeling connected. Calm,...

Stone of the Month – September 2022

Charoite This month’s topic from HIW – Expanding Your Cosmic Awareness. I can’t remember when I was last so excited about a stone I found to go with the suggested topic from HIW!! Expanding your own cosmic awareness (or even just the everyday kind)...

Stone of the Month – April 2022

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW is Connect to you Spirit Guides. Do you have a set of “guides” that you are aware of. I’m sure those of you reading this definitely do so, but just in case. We all have a team of entities and energies willing...