SoM July 2024

Moonstone This month’s topic from HIW – Nourishing Your Light Body – Holistic Nutrition for Starseeds. This month’s topic from HIW flows seamlessly from last month’s post (Awakening Your Inner Light), where I chose to feel into the...

SoM April 2024

Clear Quartz This month’s topic from HIW – The Power of Sound Healing and Reiki Love this month’s topic. Sound Healing and Reiki are all about energy, frequency, and vibration. And guess what, so are the inviting gems gifted to us from Mother Gaia....

Stone of the Month – July 2023

Labradorite This month’s topic from HIW – Releasing Stuck Emotions (Sacral Chakra) Fear & Anger & Grief, Oh My! My old “glass half empty” narrative kicked in as soon as I started thinking about this topic. My assumptions here are being...

Stone of the Month – April 2023

Smoky Quartz This month’s topic from HIW – Vibrational Energy 101 (Third Eye) In the Reiki and general esoteric communities, we talk a lot about “energy.” If you are already interested spiritually, already familiar, or working in these fields, that term is...

Stone of the Month – December 2022

Angelite This month’s topic from HIW – 3 Ways to Practice Being Present. “Being Present.” What that means to me is: Listening, to myself & others. Awareness of feelings and physical circumstances. Grounded, feeling connected. Calm,...

Stone of the Month – September 2021

Stone of the Month for September – Tourmaline This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is Physical Wellness. There were an enormous number of categories that came to mind and, at first glance, my full list of potential crystals...