Card pull July 24

You are worthy of a drama-free life…

from Mystical Shaman Oracle.
“Legends speak of great Thunder Beings who live in the sky and call for your attention when great occurrences are meant to happen in the world.”

SoM July 2024

This month’s stone is Moonstone

Nourishing Your Light Body – Holistic Nutrition for Starseeds. Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. Strongly connected to the moon, reminding us everything is part of a cycle.

Card pull for June 24

  Open up to Change...with Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card - New Moon In Aquarius   Hello dear friends. I'm sending out my missive a day early because today is auspicious - the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) 4:50 pm EDT June 20th. Followed closely...

SoM June 2024

This month’s stone is Kyanite

Awakening Your Inner Light – if we can awaken our everyday consciousness to our light body, we can shine our light in the world more fully, from a place of heart centered knowing.

Card pull for May 24

Clarity amid the stillness…

from Mystical Shaman Oracle.
“When standstill appears it is a symbol for pausing, for taking a breath and observing. It represents the benefits of temporary non-action.”

SoM April 2024

SoM April 2024

This month’s stone is Quartz

Sound Healing & Reiki are all about using energy, frequency, & vibration….to release blockages & dis-ease. Gaia’s gifts carry their own frequency & healing properties for your best & highest good.

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Card pull for March 24

Card pull for March 24

Unlock Your Authentic Journey with Enchanted Wisdom

from The Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.
Spring Equinox, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse coming – I thought it pertinent to ask for guidance for all of this powerful intensity.

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SoM March 2024

SoM March 2024

This month’s stone is Fluorite

Beautiful crystals, stones, sea shells, and plants from Gaia have been known, and used for their healing and protective properties for millennia. Think of Egypt-Lapis Lazuli and Native American-Turquoise connections.

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Card pull for February 24

Card pull for February 24

  Tap into your inner oracle...Embrace the Universe, Release All That’s Not Yours.   The Starseed Oracle: "Weight of the World" Hello dear friends. Following the topic of the month from HIW, February seems like a good opportunity to introduce you to The...

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SoM February 2024

SoM February 2024

Sugilite This month's topic from HIW - What is a Starseed and how do you know you are one? - (Galactic chakra) Well, what an interesting topic posed this month, so many ways to perceive it and the potential answers. I’ve listed a few of the signs & characteristics...

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Card pull for January 24

Card pull for January 24

  Tap into your inner oracle...with The Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck # 36 Middle World   The message: The middle world is the realm of our everyday, day-to-day, 3D reality. As described in the reading it is "the playground of the living." That terminology...

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