SoM June 2024

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW – Awakening Your Inner Light – The Power of Mindfulness Meditation. As you all know, if you read this blog, I’m a proponent of meditation. Well, it seems I’m to be writing about it once again. Guess I’m...

SoM February 2024

Sugilite This month’s topic from HIW – What is a Starseed and how do you know you are one? – (Galactic chakra) Well, what an interesting topic posed this month, so many ways to perceive it and the potential answers. I’ve listed a few of the signs...

Stone of the Month – April 2022

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW is Connect to you Spirit Guides. Do you have a set of “guides” that you are aware of. I’m sure those of you reading this definitely do so, but just in case. We all have a team of entities and energies willing...