SoM June 2024

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW – Awakening Your Inner Light – The Power of Mindfulness Meditation. As you all know, if you read this blog, I’m a proponent of meditation. Well, it seems I’m to be writing about it once again. Guess I’m...

Stone of the Month – September 2023

Sunstone This month’s topic from HIW – Recognizing Your Unique Needs (Solar Plexus) The first thing that popped into my head from this months’ topic was self-care, self-love, & ‘you matter.’ All topics covered before however, because...

Aura Quartz

How do They do That? Many people feel that these “man made” crystals are at worst fake or at best ‘tampered with!’ Whatever impression or opinion is held the process of producing these crystals fascinates me. In the simplest terms metals are...

Stone of the Month – June 2022

Mangano (Pink) Calcite This month’s topic from HIW – You Matter, Firmly Establishing Self-Worth. Does that statement affect you? It does me. Self-worth has been, and continues to be, a journey. An odyssey of shedding layers of old thought habits, taking...

Stone of the Month – September 2021

Stone of the Month for September – Tourmaline This month’s topic title, from the Holistic Institute of Wellness, is Physical Wellness. There were an enormous number of categories that came to mind and, at first glance, my full list of potential crystals...

The Overlooked

The anklet is THE most overlooked body part for jewelry IMHO. I know there are plenty of anklets (ankle bracelets, ankle chains, etc.) for sale but you have to search for them. They are not readily “served up” to you for purchase in the way necklaces,...