SoM Aug 2024

Jaspers This month’s topic from HIW – Starseed Stress Relief: Holistic Approaches to Energetic Balance. Today’s topic from HIW brings two very important aspects together, stress relief and balance. Each can be pursued and obtained separately...

Stone of the Month – August 2023

Malachite This month’s topic from HIW – Embracing Growth in Self Reflection (Solar Plexus) In the past I’ve found self-reflection challenging. It requires honesty, and living in denial, let’s face it, is easier. Any shade or tinge of denial...

Stone of the Month – July 2023

Labradorite This month’s topic from HIW – Releasing Stuck Emotions (Sacral Chakra) Fear & Anger & Grief, Oh My! My old “glass half empty” narrative kicked in as soon as I started thinking about this topic. My assumptions here are being...

Stone of the Month – February 2023

Carnelian This month’s topic from HIW – Natures Tools for Staying Grounded (Root Chakra) Ohhhh Ahhhh, this topic from HIW is an absolute no-brainer for me. There are so many fabulous crystals and stones for grounding. I’ll start by saying anything...

Stone of the Month – August 2021

Stone of the Month for August – Aquamarine It was fascinating this month looking at Mental Wellness. After looking up many stones and crystals and their myriad properties, I decided I could only approach this from my own journey. It is with some regret that I...

Stone of the Month – July 2021

Stone of the Month for July – Calcite It was a tough decision this month to pick just one stone. Mother Gaia has given us so many, many wonderful stones that can help us with this month’s topic of Emotional Wellness – part of the series called...