The third primary Chakra in the Vedic tradition is the Solar Plexus, known in Sanskrit as Manipura: This can be translated as “city of jewels” – “resplendent gem” – “lustrous gem”. What I know it translates to is...
Earth Day 2021 I felt lead this year to do something for Earth Day and let me start by saying I did not know it was going to be a Tree of Life for Earth Day before I was almost finished with the piece. This is another one of those ideas that arrived in my mind (3rd...
The second primary Chara is the Sacral, known in Sanskrit as Swadhisthana: Swa meaning ‘self’ & adhishthana means ‘established’. Our Sacral Chakra represents creativity, relationships, and sexuality. It’s basically our emotional...
Also known as Base or First Chara and in Sanskrit Muladhara: Mula meaning ‘root’ & Adhara ‘base’ or ‘support’. It is the first of the seven primary chakras and for many teachers the most important. It represents stability in our...