SoM Aug 2024

Jaspers This month’s topic from HIW – Starseed Stress Relief: Holistic Approaches to Energetic Balance. Today’s topic from HIW brings two very important aspects together, stress relief and balance. Each can be pursued and obtained separately...

SoM June 2024

Kyanite This month’s topic from HIW – Awakening Your Inner Light – The Power of Mindfulness Meditation. As you all know, if you read this blog, I’m a proponent of meditation. Well, it seems I’m to be writing about it once again. Guess I’m...

SoM January 2024

Aquaumarine This month’s topic from HIW – Empathic Empowerment (Heart chakra) I recently wrote about empathy “On the face of it, being able to feel and understand others’ emotions might seem like a good thing, this is the definition of empathy....

Stone of the Month – September 2023

Sunstone This month’s topic from HIW – Recognizing Your Unique Needs (Solar Plexus) The first thing that popped into my head from this months’ topic was self-care, self-love, & ‘you matter.’ All topics covered before however, because...

Stone of the Month – November 2022

Iron Pyrite This month’s topic from HIW – How to Protect Your Energy and Why. The last part of this months’ topic from HIW was a bit of a “no brainer” for me but I realize maybe not for everyone! Your energy is yours, yes you can let it...

Stone of the Month – September 2022

Charoite This month’s topic from HIW – Expanding Your Cosmic Awareness. I can’t remember when I was last so excited about a stone I found to go with the suggested topic from HIW!! Expanding your own cosmic awareness (or even just the everyday kind)...