Anyolite Ruby

Stone of the Month – June 2023

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.


This month’s topic from HIWPracticing Mindful Movement (Crown Chakra)

Movement. What does this mean to you? Going to the gym? Getting in your 10K steps, constantly checking your smartwatch. Have you done enough? What I’m getting at is the ‘mindful’ part of the statement proffered by HIW. I’ve taken mindfulness classes, including ‘mindful walking.’ Just walk, no need to fret or worry about the day or your calendar, just be in the walking. No need for music or distractions, just be with yourself and the walking. Great. How many of us do that or something like it as a practice?

What it sparks in me is that I no longer do enough of it, mindful or otherwise. I’d laugh but I’m actually serious. I used to walk regularly. I danced regularly. There was a period of time when I did Zumba and loved it. Life happens, things change, and habits fall off the regular calendar. I could give myself a hard time (and do occasionally) but hey. What is now is what is now.

What I can do is try to reintroduce more movement, more regularity and more mindful practice.

I chose Ruby for the qualities of motivation, setting realistic goals, and never in a self-destructive way. These feel very pertinent and timely, like a nudge from the Universe that this notion of movement has come back (again) into my awareness. And although I’m trying not to ‘should’ on myself I do feel the tug, it’s time.

This is what Judy Hall has to say:

Anyolite RubyRuby An excellent stone imparting vim & vigour to life. Encourages passion for life without destructive tendencies. Improves motivation & the setting of realistic goals. Balancing the heart chakra, it encourages one to “follow your bliss.” Can bring about a positive and courageous state of mind and fires the enthusiasm. Ruby can bring up anger or negativity for transmutation and for its removal from your path.
Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite) – activates crown chakra, facilitates access to soul memory, spiritual learning, & is extremely helpful in soul healing.

Amethyst – Improves motivation & assist in realistic goal setting. Helps you feel less scattered & more focused.
Apatite – Increases motivation & builds up energy reserves. By releasing energy in the base chakra, it clears frustration & endorses passion without guilt.
Calcite – Heightens energy. Aids hope & motivation, combats laziness & encourages becoming more energetic on all levels.
Carnelian – Stabilizing stone with high energy. Good for restoring vitality & motivation.
Citrine – Promotes happiness, vitality, & new beginnings. Raise self-esteem & self-confidence, & removes destructive tendencies.
Fuchsite – Moves energy to the lowest point, redressing imbalances, & release blockages caused by excess energy, shifting it to positive channels. Increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system.
Muscovite (Mica) – Helps disperse insecurity, self-doubt, & clumsiness. Aids dyspraxia (coordination & left-right confusion), & can bring flexibility to all levels of being.
Red Tiger Eye – Stimulating stones, overcomes lethargy & provide motivation. Can speed up a slow metabolism.
Selenite – Has a very fine vibration. Assists in opening the crown & higher crown chakras. Aligns the spinal column & promotes flexibility.
Topaz – Helps shed light on the path, highlights goals, & taps into inner resources. Brings trust in the universe allowing us to (mindfully) ‘be’ rather than to (over) ‘do.’.

Final thoughts this month: looks like I’ve concentrated on stones for motivation.    Guess that’s what I needed to hear. I hope you find this helpful.

Love & Blessings till next time. J

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