Rose Quartz Globe Ruby Crown

SoM Sept 2024

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Rose Quartz

This month’s topic from HIW – Cosmic Skincare Rituals: Natural Beauty for the Star Seed Soul.

An interesting topic posed this month. Cosmic Skincare no less. I was a little baffled at first but knowing the healing qualities of stones and crystals I forged ahead with my research on how they can help us with skincare. Low and behold: many stones have qualities and properties that can help with all sorts of skin issues, repairs, and regeneration. How then to build this into our skincare routines?

Elixirs, sometimes called Gem Remedies or Crystal Essences. If this is completely new to you, bear with me. Crystals and stones carry their own vibration, if you’ve read past musings you’ll know this well. What you may not know is that those vibrations can be transferred to water. There are two methods to create elixirs, direct and indirect, depending on the stone. Direct places the stone or crystal straight into the water, and indirect places the stone or crystal into a small glass jar or dish in the water, so they do not touch. The indirect method is for friable and toxic stones such as Selenite or Malachite.** Once made these essences can be ingested, applied to the skin, or added to your bath water. And voilà, a beautiful addition our skincare rituals or routines.

Please do check out the links below**, or do your own research, if you want to make an elixir, it’s easy but comes with all sorts of caveats and so many more options than I have room to elaborate here.

My healing practice of providing stones and crystals to be worn on the skin, inside our auric field, relies on the grace of these splendid gifts from Mother Gaia to transfer their incredible healing vibrations to us. This month I chose Rose Quartz, for what it can provide beyond the benefits for our skin, for the emotional and heart healing it offers. Love, self-love, and forgiveness are, IMHO, essential to our inner radiance. Beauty is more than skin deep. 💖

La Vie en Rose Beaded SetRose Quartz – Emotionally Rose Quartz is the finest healer. Stone of Unconditional Love. Teaches us to love ourselves, encourages self-forgiveness, acceptance, self-worth, and self-trust. Purifies & opens the heart on all levels, brings deep inner peace & healing. The stone or an elixir can soothe burns & blisters, & smooth the complexion. Strengthens heart & circulatory system, releases impurities from body fluids.

A few more of Gaia’s Gifts to aid the treatment & perfection of our largest organ:

Amethyst – Reduces bruising, injuries, & swellings. Treats skin conditions & cellular disorders. Beneficial for intestines, regulating flora, removing parasites, & encouraging re-absorption of water.
Angelite – This soothing stones repairs tissue & blood vessels, balances fluids in the physical body. Can cool the heat of sunburn.
Apophyllite – Works with respiratory system. Can neutralize allergies. Promotes regeneration of mucus membranes & skin.
Azurite – Treats the spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth & skin, & aids detoxification.
Brown Jasper (Inc Picture Jasper) – Boost the immune system, clears pollutants & toxins from body, & stimulates the cleansing organs. Can heal the skin.
Lepidolite – Relieves allergies, strengthens immune system, restructures DNA, & enhances generation of negative ions. A detoxifier of the skin & connective tissues.
Peridot – Great tonic. Heals & regenerates tissues. Strengthens metabolism & benefits the skin.
Rutile Quartz – Very efficient vibrational healer. Stimulates growth & regeneration in cells & repairs torn tissues & skin.
Ulexite – Excellent as skin elixir for smoothing wrinkles. (Indirect method).
Varicite – Treats constricted blood flow, regenerates elasticity of veins & skin.

A final thought: Hydration! Do you drink enough water? Probably not, most of us don’t. My skin (wrinkles) definitely looks better when I’m well hydrated. I know this and yet some days I would still rather drink tea, coffee, and wine! Do your own research to see what resonates with you but I tend toward the “half ounce of water per pound of body weight, per day” theory. I just need to do it. Some Jade might help. “Balances fluids within the body and the water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios. Removes, toxins, rebinds cellular & skeletal systems.”

With love and blessings till next time. J 🙏

** There are many references out on the web for making elixirs, here are a few for you to dip into if this tickles your fancy.
Crystal Elixirs
How to make gem elixirs or crystal essences
How to make a gem elixir

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