Wear the HIW Shamans Bracelet stretch bracelet to Unlock your spiritual power.
Iolite - "Vision Stone. In shamanic ceremonies, assists in journeys out of the body."
Clear Quartz - "Stone of power, amplifies any energy or intention & other crystals. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self."
Silver Sheen Obsidian - "Connects astral to physical body, anchors soul back to physical."
Lepidolite - "Aids in shamanic or spiritual journeying & access to Akashic Record."
Lapis Lazuli - "Stone of total awareness. Shield from negative energy. Connects to higher truth."
Turquoise - "Helps connect mind to the infinite possibilities of Universe. Strength & purification."
Silver - "'Mirror to the soul,' allowing deep insight with absolutely no judgment. Can remove & release negativity from body or space."
7.2" elasticated