Step out in style and invite abundance into your life.
Pyrite with Jade - "Pyrite, attracts abundance via creative & manifestation energies. Releases negative & inhibiting patterns. Jade, powerful lucky charm. Helps attain goals & dreams, seeing past self-imposed limitations & manifesting into the physical. Promotes generosity & longevity."
Clear Quartz - "Stone of power, amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self. Can enhance & strengthen aura. Often used to cleanse, open, activate, & align all chakras."
Citrine - "Manifest anything you want to bring into your life. Happy, generous stone encourages sharing, giving, & holding on to wealth."
Malachite - "Adventurous stone, encourages risk taking & change, & living life more intensely. Breaks outworn patterns & blockages to growth."
7" elasticated