March Mindfulness

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Mar 15, 2021 | Stone of the Month

The dictionary says mindfulness is: “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”

To me mindfulness, or rather the lack thereof, can be caused by many different things. Instead of having my focus on promoting or gaining mindfulness, I thought I would scribble today about all the stones that can help with the myriad things that get in the (my) way.
Such as, being scattered or distracted. Mind chatter & negative thoughts. Feelings of body, mind, spirit being disconnected. Old habit patterns & behaviours that just keep coming back!

I know for me all these things apply, not all of them all the time thankfully, but frequently enough that I’m working toward getting a handle on them.

Here’s my list of helpful stones. It’s a long one today. I apriciate Gaia has so many forms of assistance for we mere mortals.

Amethyst – calms mind, aids less scattering more focusing, promotes emotional centering.
Aquamarine – Calms mind, clarifies perception to break old self defeating programs.
Black Obsidian ** – Brings soul & spiritual forces under direction of conscious will.
Blue Selenite – Helps with shutting off the mind chatter (I’ll take a bucketful please).
Fluorite – Focuses the mind & links to universal mind. Helps dissolve old, fixed patterns.
Green Tourmaline – Promotes openness & patience so we can see all possible solutions.
Jade – Integrates mind & body. Releases negative thoughts.
Labradorite – Brings messages up from the unconscious & facilitates their understanding.
Pietersite – Reminds us we are spiritual being on a human journey.
Snowflake Obsidian – Calms, soothes, allows attention to ingrained behaviour patterns.
Sodalite – Eliminates mental confusion. Stimulate release of old mental conditioning.

I find it interesting every month that my category title is “stone of the month.” I can only think of one time where there has been – the one stone. Even then, Agates have a multitude of varieties & healing features! Gaia offers such wonderful potential aid for any given topic, problem, need.

With love & blessings. J

** – Caution on the Obsidian. “Brings your imbalances & shadow qualities to light for review!” This is a good thing, honest. However, it pays to be ready for a possible kick in the butt.

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