Earrings contd…

Clips ons! I started with a straight peyote strip, counted of course, so they would be matching, which would eventually be ‘zipped’ together. The clip backs have no holes so my process was to glue them initially with E6000. After a couple of days to dry...

Front & Back

Healing stones generally work best, offer the most metaphysical support, if they touch the skin. (And if worn inside your auric field – more about that later.) To this end I try to make stone pendants wearable both sides thus leaving stone surface available for...

Free Form Vase

This vase was a follow up to the bead challenge of the Hibiscus. That is peyote stitch, very exact, rigid pattern, in that specific instance, in order to make a picture. I like that, I’m both right & left brained so I’m a creative who likes order!...

Stone of the Month – June 2020

June 2020 is a powerful month, astrologically, one of many in 2020. A month of eclipses. YES 3! Lunar on June 5, annular solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice – June 21 & another lunar on July 4 (Independence Day in case the significance of that escaped your...

Member – Foothills Craft Guild

I am feeling blessed and somewhat humble. I was juried into the Foothills Craft Guild this week. I’m excited and gratified by such lovely critiques, “exquisite” was a word that that kept cropping up. These are the jury pieces: [nggallery...

Thank You HIW

I am proud and pleased to have been featured by the Holistic Institute of Wellness my wonderful friends, mentors & Reiki Master Teachers & Guides. What a pleasure and an honour for me that they choose to wear their “Janet jewelry” and to focus their recent...