Aura Quartz

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

How do They do That?

Many people feel that these “man made” crystals are at worst fake or at best ‘tampered with!’ Whatever impression or opinion is held the process of producing these crystals fascinates me. In the simplest terms metals are bonded onto crystal quartz. The metals themselves, the colors produced, and the actual – how do they do that? – part of it is amazing.

This from “Aqua aura is created in a vacuum chamber from quartz crystals and gold vapour by vapour deposition. The quartz is heated to 871 °C (1600 °F) in a vacuum, and then gold vapor is added to the chamber. (I couldn’t find any info on how they go about vapourizing gold!) The gold atoms fuse to the crystal’s surface, which gives the crystal an iridescent metallic sheen. Others are made using only electricity to lay down layers of titanium without heat.”

Aura Quartz comes in different colors: Blue, Red (Ruby or Rose), Yellow & Rainbow, and with quite a few different names. These come from the use/addition of other metals in addition to the gold that include indium, titanium, platinum, niobium and copper, producing crystals such as Opal Aura & Rainbow Quartz. and more. Some are garishly colored and some delicate. There’s a style for everyone.

The metals carry their own metaphysical properties and there is something of the alchemical process that also adds its own essence to the resulting amalgam of healing energies, all amplified by the quartz vibrations.

According to Judy Hall “Despite being artificially created each Aura Quartz carries specific properties related to the colors created and the gold alchemized onto its surface:

Aqua – Gold – Frees from limitation, creates space for something new. Heals, cleanses & calms the aura. Encourages communication.
Rainbow – gold & titanium – Activates all body energy centers, brings vibrant energy & zest for life. Can release negative emotions & old grief.
Opal – paler rainbow from platinum – Stimulates hope & optimism, crystal of joy. Integrates light body into physical dimensions.
Rose – also platinum – Dynamic energy working with pineal gland & heart chakra to transmutes doubts about self-worth. Gives the gift of unconditional self-love & universal connection.
Ruby – platinum, more layers for deper color – Can clear base chakra of old issues & abuse. Activates wisdom of the heart.
Sunshine – gold & platinum – Activates & cleanses solar plexus, powerful & energetic, expansive & protective.
Siberian Blue – laboratory regrown quartz & cobalt – Lifts the spirit, brings deep peace. Aids speaking your truth & being heard.

There’s so much more info out there, as you might imagine. I particularly liked the House of Formlab’s page, love their fun attitude, very much the same as my own, with sass and an expanded list of choices available.

Whatever your choice – Love & Blessings till next time. J.

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4920 Homberg Drive,
Knoxville, TN 37919
Wed – Sat: 11am – 3pm