Card pull July 24

Master Bead Weaving Artist and Gaia’s Jeweler, channeling the healing power of Gaia’s gifts of crystal & stone into Beads of Light. Infused with the Light & Love of Shamballa & Reiki energy.

Jul 20, 2024 | Oracle Cards


You are worthy of a drama-free life…with The Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck #56 Thunder

Hello dear friends.
I’m starting to wonder! It seems for the last few months I’ve begun every oracle card reading with something akin to OMG! This month’s no different, except for the emoji 😲 Unbelievably apropos card draw.

I centered myself, dropped into my heart space, and signed the distance Reiki symbol, allowing me to really tap into what the potentials for the coming month might be and what we, myself included, needed to hear and see. I’d already chosen the Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck as I was feeling the beckoning of Mother Earth and the ancient wisdom codes.

I’m just going to type out the message from the card, it doesn’t my editorializing or commentary:

“Legends speak of great Thunder Beings who live in the sky and call for your attention when great occurrences are meant to happen in the world. They warn when tensions in a situation are called upon to be released. Their presence in your reading reminds you of the dramatic moments in life that change everything. Both awesome and frightening when Thunder arrives, it is also a wake-up call, one that you will soon not forget.”

I believe I’ve explained before but if the card arrives reversed (upside down) instead of reading ‘The Invitation’ we instead note ‘The Medicine.’

“Do you feel like unnecessary drama is waylaying your life? Could you be exhausted from listening to others tell you a never-ending victim story, or could you be telling yourself a version of the same? It’s time for an about face; you’re being warned that to continue on this path will cause you to regret your choices, even if they appear to be benign or familiar. It’s time to say no to drama, both yours and others’. Focus on solutions rather than problems.”

You are worthy of a drama free life.

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried, seriously, I don’t have this kind of imagination!


Pietersite – Known as the Tempest Stone. Also known as the stone that holds “the keys to heaven”. High vibration used by many healers. Can stimulate Pineal gland enhancing intuition & insight. Amplifies power & strength &, be prepared, it can facilitate release of repressed emotions. Mesmerizing chatoyance, amazing swirling colors in shades of gold, blue-gray, brown, gray, black, with occasional colorless areas. Can protect from bad weather, especially whilst driving. Can calm nervousness of pets & humans afraid of thunderstorms. Works to activate & balance Third-Eye & Solar-Plexus Chakras. Allows creatives find more self-confidence in self & artistic abilities. Can help finding creative solutions to problems.


With love and blessings till next time. J

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